
I am forever,
Waking up in the mist and the wet,
Feeling my extensions for the first time,
Dreaming you rough and unfeigned.

Oh the paths I have trodden that I may look upon your face.

The Hail in Birmingham

Cackling soul,
All your wisdom is so much,
Carrion for the undiplomatic coma.

What do you care that we went to the moon anyway?


I could not contain the beauty in all your names
So I spread it out amongst the animals
The flora and the ages in our lives.



Don't let's steal away,
The orchards have secrets enough,
And I have yet to make my most indelible mistakes.


Kissing your forehead,
The taste of summer sweat,
Talk of half-birthday presents,

These things comprise the marrow in my bones now.

steal through the night

Look up
Hush, look up
The creases in the years in her
White nightgown, lantern-leader
Softly over the moss.

We cannot stay,
We must pass on,
Talk of utopias will bore.

The burning cities
The phoenix born
What lies behind the eye.

Follow the laughter and the hope on all our lips,
Drink of the dew,
Look up.