Recently, as part of a pact, albeit a small one, I was assigned to write a rondel. So, naturally, it turned out to be about my cat. The one I don't love. And my family doesn't love. So now I care about her more than ever.
How Important her last days should be!
My fading cat pads down the hall,
Hard-breathing slow and shivering all,
Wondering when her time will be.
Poor senile feline is ambling towards me!
Me who cares least of all,
How important her last hours should be!
My fading cat pads down the hall.
Fragile head rubs up against my knee,
The dying only want company small,
Familiar and warm, quietly calm,
Over glazed eyes my own ending I see!
How vivid her last minutes must be!
Haha wow, I wouldn't laugh but I know you're talking about Alli and that was just sad to be honest. But obviously executed superbly (did I really just say that?).
..kitty :(
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