
Wishing Stars

It is a very fine,
Very enjoyable thing,
To feel through your value,
Like weaving through delicate,
Fragile needlework,
To remember how much you are,
To so many people in so many places,
And to smile behind your back!
At all you don't see,
Radiating from you like poisonous glory,
Seeing it like the first litter of squirming,
Finding blind pups,
Splayed on the slate floor,
And just waiting,
For that first honest connection,
That you robbed me of any reason to continue wishing stars.

(and you're so damn cute.)


Anonymous said...

Good. Melting one's heart good. Sleeping until noon good. Coffee good. You good. Your eyes good. Your heart good. Your mesmerizing voice good.

Anonymous said...

this actually brought tears to my eyes...too sweetttt!!!

Anonymous said...

I keep coming back to this poem and I keep liking it every time.