
Everything All At Once, Again

All the way,
From the burning,
Tip of my right ear,
My ear,
Right here.
I'm looking out of me,
Is that still selfish?
I'm feeling the heat,
And the speechtalkspeech,
Of God behind me,
And the streetlight,
And mountains beside me,
And the streetlight,

I'm right here.

So it all begins to elongate,
Stretching forward and my throat,
It catches cataclysmic intent,
And the most honest laugh I've ever had,
Sounds not at all like you'd expect,
But it sounds,
And leg after leg of it takes me,
Where I need to go.

May you grow old and with ancient paper hands grip the one you love as you spin on the dance floor.

1 comment:

aubrie said...

I love the motif of dance in your writings. Always makes me happy.