
To Keep Some Awful Idea at Bay

And just as They approach,
As the devilish idea circles my camp,
I get away by going up,
All the way to you,
So close the water beads from your breath,
On my cheek and chin,
And I know if I'm strong enough,
Not to pass with any colours,
But to come bruised and bleeding,
Across whatever distance leads to you,
Then I'll stop sounding like such a nut,
Mostly to myself,
I keep mostly to myself,
And maybe I'll be able to stave off dying,
Long enough to enjoy being with you,
Which is the thing I want most out of this,
And I'm afraid my words are getting so repetitive I'll jeopardize the whole thing.

Please thing favorably of me,
All I need is for one person to approve,
Please see me for the monster I brought forth and feed,
And if you love me anyway,
All that is dark becomes light.

1 comment:

appletrain said...

I approve.
and 'thing' should be 'think.' i believe.